OAC (Ordnance Ammunition Command) |
병기탄약사령부 | |
OACSC-E (Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Communications- Electronics) |
통신전자 참모부장실 | |
OAD (Operational Availability Data) |
운용 가용성 제원 | |
OADR (Originating Agency Declassifying Required) |
기안부서 재분류요 | |
OADR (Originating Authority Determine Requirement) |
기안부서 결정요 | |
OAFIE (Office of the Armed Forces Information and Education) |
정훈실(부) | |
OAG (Operational Action Group) |
작전조치단 | |
OAG (Operational Analysis Group) |
운영분석단 | |
OAP (Outline Acquisition Plan) |
개략획득계획 | |
OAS (Offensive Air Support) |
공세적 항공지원
OAS (Office Automation System) |
사무 자동화 체계 | |
OASD (Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense) |
국방차관보실 | | | |